This is my third and final post for Must Haves for Babies! This post is for ages 6-12 months. I already shared my Must Haves for 0-3 months and 3-6 months.
1. 4 in 1 Highchair– There are a million high chairs out there to choose from, it’s overwhelming. I highly recommend this high chair, you can use it at different stages and for different purposes! When Camden and Ella were younger (and before they could sit unassisted), we would put the seat and tray on the floor and they would play).
Now, we use it for feeding and it is so easy and convenient to use. My favorite part about this is every piece can either go in the dishwasher or the washing machine!!
2. Wipeable bibs– These are a lifesaver! You just wipe them off after you use them. It makes cleaning up after a meal a breeze.
3. Baby banana toothbrushes– These banana toothbrushes are perfect for teething babies! Both of my babies love to chew on these. Additionally, I use them to brush their teeth and they think it is fun! #momwin
4. Play yard– This is a lifesaver for babies on the go, especially twins! We have our basement 100% baby proofed but unfortunately there wasn’t a way to baby proof our main floor. I use this play yard when I need them to be on the first floor and can’t watch them every second. It’s also great because you can pack this up and easily take it with you to the park or to a family members house, it just pops open.
5. Entertainment Center– My kiddos love this! They could play with this for hours every day if I let them. They can bounce, turn, and there are 11 different things for them to play with that make sounds and light up.
6. Push Walker or Push car– We have several of these and our kids love them! I was skeptical about getting it because I heard they can delay walking but we had no issues with this milestone.
7. Teepee and Tunnel– These are so fun!! Your child will love crawling in these and just playing for hours, you might as well. 😉
8. Play kitchen– My kiddos of course don’t understand the purpose of a kitchen yet BUT they love playing with this, they open the doors and play in the sink for hours! I can only imagine how much they will use it when they understand what a kitchen is for.