I decided to share my top 10 baby items for the first 0-3 months (better late than never)! I plan to share this every 3 months as my babies go through different stages. I’m not going to include the typical stuff that everyone knows you need: bottles, blankets, diapers, car seat, etc. Please note, this post is not sponsored! If you click the name of each product, it will take you to the product online.
- Rock n Play– This is a godsend!! It can put my babies to sleep almost immediately!
- Boppy Newborn Lounger– This makes life so much easier! You can put the boppies on the couch, on the floor, just about anywhere. The babies love them! I will be sad when they outgrow them.
- Swaddles– My twins LOVE being swaddled! As soon as we swaddle them they start to close their eyes and they know it’s time for bed!
- Blooming Bath– At first we tried these little baby bath seats for the bath tub but after having a C-Section it was too hard for me to lean over the tub so we got the Blooming Bath that you put in the sink and it makes bath time super easy!
- Pump– I wrote another post about pumping. If you’re going to be breastfeeding or exclusively pumping then I highly recommend a strong pump! I love mine!
- Sarah Wells Pumping Bag– I LOVE my Sarah Wells bag! You can hear more about it here.
- Ju-Ju-Be BFF diaper bag in Duchess– I love all the compartments in this bag and how much it holds!! I also love that you can wear it on your shoulder or as a book bag! It also has a pocket for the mom’s personal stuff like a cell phone and wallet. It’s perfection!
- Monitor with two parent monitors– I highly recommend two parent monitors in case you ever sleep separately (we are horrible sleepers so we do this often) or if you will be in separate rooms of the house! In the future, we plan to get video monitors but we didn’t feel they were needed at this age. We bought the Vtech 221-2 Digital Audio Monitor with 2 parent units and love it!
- Car seat covers– these can be used to cover the carseats in the car or in the stroller! When the twins were tiny, I didn’t want people touching them when they were out in public so these covers made this happen! These also can be used to nurse and in the future covers in public highchairs and shopping carts! Some people also use these as an infinity scarf.
- White sleep shirts (not onesies)- I put the twins in these under their swaddles because it makes changing their diapers in the middle of the night super easy!
I hope this helps someone with their baby registry! I know how overwhelming it can be!