Every year I write/email Camden and Ella a letter on their birthday (and sometimes more throughout the year). I decided last year to share their birthday letter and thought I would this year as well.
Dear Camden and Ella,
This week you turn four. FOUR! How is that possible? That seems surreal to me, it feels like yesterday I was feeding you around the clock because you were only 4 and 5 pounds!
This year, I swear I opened my eyes and you were no longer babies. I get overly emotional every year around your birthday because I sit back and think about everything we did this year, look at photos, and how much you’ve grown, I can’t help but smile and cry!
If it were up to your daddy and I, we would freeze this age forever! You are so much fun and so darn sweet! You are also smart, strong, nice, loved, important, going to do great things, and you are you (your daily affirmations)! I hope just once you see yourself through my eyes because you are the greatest kids in the world and you make your mommy and daddy so happy.
This past year has been an amazing but strange one!! We didn’t travel as much as we normally do because Covid-19 hit the world and the world as we knew it changed! You don’t know any different but it makes me so sad that you have to wear masks, we can’t do everything we want, and we have to keep you away from large groups of people! This year has also been really special. Your daddy said, “It was a great year for our family! We grew so close and I’ve loved all this extra time at home together.” We also moved to our new home in a different area of Charleston (I think we finally got it right this time), you got your own big kid rooms, you started preschool 2 days a week, Lovey and Grumps bought a second home here to be close to you, and you have done a ton of activities from swim lessons to ballet class to superhero class. You’ve also made some new friends here and that makes my heart so happy!
You two have the sweetest bond! You are the definition of best friends. You argue a lot but you love each other hard! The things you say to each other and your mannerisms toward one another just melts our heart. I hope that you are always best friends. Don’t ever forget how lucky you are to have each other!
Camden– You’re my moon and the stars. You are the smartest little boy with a heart of gold! You have the cutest little laugh. You are so sensitive but also stand up for what you believe in. Right now, you love to play superheroes, ride your bike/scooter, anything that involves sports (you’re quite good for your age too), figuring out how things work, pretending to be a robot, mimicking us, snuggling, and watch shows on your iPad. You’ve really mellowed this year, I used to say you were our hard baby but you aren’t any more (you have your moments though ;)). I hope that you always stay this confident and empathetic and that you never forget how much you are loved. I hope life is always an exciting adventure for you, my sweet boy!
You say a million things but these are phrases you repeat all the time and I don’t want to forget them:
- Hang on! Hang on! Let me show/tell you something!
- I love you in a galaxy far far away forever and ever.
- Hey ____! Watch this! (and then you do some funny dance or turn into a robot)
- What’s it do? Whose it do?
- It’s fine.
- I got it! I can do it!
Ella– this past year you’ve just completely come out of your shell. You used to be our go with the flow baby but not anymore, you are opinionated and know what you want…I wouldn’t change a hair on your head. You are so sweet but you always stand up for yourself and others. You are a rainbow fish in an ocean full of tuna, a wildflower in a field of roses, and you’re forever my sunshine! Right now, you love to do crafts, learn/play school, play with your dollhouse, dress up, ride your bike/scooter, and make the playroom and your room extra messy, haha! I hope those long legs of yours continue to take you to all the places you dream of, I hope that you never forget how much you are loved, and I hope you never lose your joy and spunkiness!
Just like your brother, you always have something to say. Here are a few things you are constantly saying:
- Is that so funny?/Is that goofy?
- We don’t want any cavities.
- Is it time to eat yet?
- It’s taking forever!
- You smell like cupcakes and strawberries, Mommy.
- I love you, my little mommy!
- That is SO sweet of you!
- Can I get on your shoulders?
- Are you happy?
We are so proud of the little humans you are becoming! We love you so much and thank God every day that we get to be your parents!
Love you across the ocean and back, forever and ever,
I love and related to every word! Happy happy 4th Birthday Ella and Camden! May all your wishes come true!
Thank you so much, Michelle!! <3 <3
4?! It feels like you were just announcing your pregnancy.
I know! It went so fast!
Happy Birthday, Camden and Ella!
Thank you!
HBD Camden and Ella!
Thanks so much!
Happy Birthday to you Camden and Ella!!! From being a dream come true from many wishes to the beautiful children you are I have been watching and sending love for you to blossom. Your inner light shines bright with all the love you receive. More happy and love to you this year!!
Aww, thanks Vickie! Love you!