I decided I should do a year in review post, this will be fun to look back on! Honestly, I wish I had one for every year. 2018 was a great and busy year! Lets take a look…
Judd got offered an amazing job in Charleston which he accepted!
We decided we wanted to build a house so we flew down to Charleston to interview builders, pick a lot, and design our home!
Camden and Ella turned 1! We had the cutest little party for them, you can read about that here.
This wasn’t my favorite month. It was super gloomy where we were living and we had to say goodbye to Grandma Burns. We miss her so much!
We took our first vacation as a family of four (unless our babymoon to Hawaii counts lol). We went to a waterpark in Canada and had the best time. You can read more about that here.
We put our first home on the market and it sold within 48 hours! We LOVED this house!
We went to PA to visit Judd’s family! We had the best time!
I turned 30 and Judd turned 31. We celebrated by renting a huge house in Florida with my parents. You can read about that here.
We also went to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter, it was amazing! You can read about that here.
This was a crazy busy month! We wanted to see all of our friends and family prior to moving.
We had a lot of friends come visit and stay with us!
We went to a Dragon’s Game and spent time with family.
We played with Camden and Ella’s cousins! It makes me pretty sad these four won’t be raised in the same town.
We moved to Charleston! Our house wasn’t complete so we stayed in a 2 bedroom furnished rental until it was done. The apartment was nice but the lack of space was driving us crazy!
We spent a lot of time exploring our new city!
We took weekend trips to Hilton Head and Savannah.
At the very end of August, we moved into our new home!
This month was spent getting settled, decorating, and going swimming A LOT! We have a pool in our neighborhood which is so much fun!
We also went through our first hurricane. Thankfully, it hardly hit us but we were pretty terrified.
I celebrated one year as being a SAHM! Best decision I ever made, you can read about my first year here.
We had family pictures taken on the beach!
We celebrated Halloween. My mom made their adorable costumes!
This month was insanely busy!
We took a vacation on the biggest cruise ship in the world! You can read about that here. Thanks again to Royal Caribbean for this amazing opportunity!
London completed a 3 week dog training program! She did amazing and we are so proud of her new manners!
We went to Disney World. You can read about that here.
We celebrated Thanksgiving!
We had a lot of visitors come to SC to celebrate Christmas with us!
2018 was an exciting year but I have a feeling 2019 will be even better! Wishing you all a wonderful New Year! Thanks for following along!
What an amazing year.. ❤️
Very fun to read through your “year in life” review.
Looks like you guys had fun!