Pretty soon after getting married in 2011, my husband and I decided we were ready to have kids. Because of prior health history we both did baseline tests right away. It was at that time that doctors told us it would be impossible to have kids as my husband was diagnosed with no sperm, otherwise known as azoospermia. We met with a specialist who gave us the slim chances and very little options. Even though we were dealing with both male and female factor, we didn’t have a peace about pursuing IVF and really felt called to wait on the Lord. Soon after the diagnosis, my husband moved to Georgia for 6 months for work. When he came back we pursued a healthy lifestyle in terms of eating and supplements. It’s now been 6 years and we are still waiting and believing for a miracle and have released all control to God.
The reason we are not pursuing medical assistance is because we have felt like God has told us “no”. That doesn’t mean we are against it, it’s just not where he has us now. We want to be obedient to whatever he leads us to do and whatever that might look like, we will say yes to it.
What things helped you cope with infertility? The truth, the written word of God, and worship has helped us the most. We have also surrounded ourselves with other believers who have supported and prayed for us which has meant everything.
Did you ever deal with unsupportive people during your journey? How did you handle this? We have dealt with a lot of unsupportive people as most don’t understand why we aren’t seeking medical assistance. We, just like every other couple, have also dealt with so many who have offered unsolicited advice. In those situations, I choose to extend a lot of grace and love and always use it as an opportunity to educate those who don’t understand.
What brings you hope during this journey? Our hope is found in Jesus Christ. We are where we are in our journey because of his goodness and faithfulness.
In what ways has infertility changed you and affected your life? Every aspect of our life looks different because of infertility and I am so very thankful. Shortly after our diagnosis I started writing a blog, In Due Time, which then led me to write my book, In Due Time: Hope and Encouragement in the Waiting. I also founded a faith-based fertility support group called Moms in the Making which I am now working for full-time. Between my blog, book and ministry every aspect of my life looks different and I wouldn’t trade that for anything, including a baby. I am also so thankful for social media and all the friendships that have been formed because of this journey. In addition, my marriage and relationship with Jesus are both stronger.
Make the most of your wait. Don’t let infertility ruin you, but instead seek Jesus and allow his joy and peace carry you though. You might not be able to change your circumstance, but you can change how you handle it and the best thing you can do is make the most of it all.
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You can read more infertility stories or connect with others here. You can connect with me (Brianna) at or on Instagram.
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